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Maintenance of the braking device
2023-3-24 Print

1、 Adjustment of drum type front brake

Install the main bracket and measure the free stroke of the front brake handle from the free position to the start of braking, which is 10-20MM;

B. If it is not within the specified range, adjust it. Adjust the front brake nut clockwise to reduce the free stroke; Adjust the front brake nut counterclockwise to increase the free stroke;

C. Grip the front brake clockwise handle several times, then loosen it and check whether the front brake works well (rotate the front wheel to see if the front wheel rotates flexibly);

D. It can also be adjusted through the front brake fine adjustment nut.

Note: If the pointer on the front brake aligns with the scale on the brake end cover, the brake shoe should be replaced.

Replace the shoes every 4000KM; Clean and lubricate the clutch control line every 2000km.

2、 Adjustment of the rear brakes

A. Support the motorcycle with the main bracket;

B. Measure the stroke from the original position of the rear brake pedal to the start of operation of the brake to be 20~30MM;

C. If adjustment is necessary, the adjustment method is the same as for the front brake.

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